Weekly Websites

April 19: http://personalbranding101.com/qr-codes-personal-branding

1. You can put a QR code on your resume and have it take them to your online website.

2. You can put a QR code on your business card and have it take them to your contact information.

3. You could also run it in an ad and have it take them to your “hire me” page on your blog.

4. QR codes could be the next best thing in the ever-growing technology era.

5. QR stands for “Quick Response” bar.

April 29: http://www.byuicomm.net/

1. It can keep me aware of things happening around me.

2. It has video profiles of other LDS who have accomplished great things.

3. I can read and learn from other students writing.

4. I can find how to contact information for the scroll.

5. On the blog they show upcoming communication events that will help strengthen certain aspects of our specialties.

May 3: http://www.ap.org/

1. Photography is another huge part of the AP.

2. Special Events are almost like finals for reporters.

3. Has access to the AP Stylebook which is the foundation for any journalism.

4. This is a place you can go to get instant coverage of things like the Summer games.

5. Most jobs involve writing and editing.

May 10: http://www.byuideanspics.com/ http://shawnhepworth.wordpress.com/ http://emp.byui.edu/esplinc/comm347/p4samplesweb.htm http://www.byuiphotographics.com/ http://photoshopworld.com/

1. This makes me want to learn more about photography.

2. It shows us how much we can learn and be moved by photos.

3. Photoshop world offers extensive classes.

4. Visual Communication majors use photos when designing posters, websites, and flyers.

5. BYU-I has a Photographics Society that has open contests. Which would be a fun and interesting way to get more experience and opinions.

May 17: http://www.jobinterviewquestions.org/

1. Research the company before you go into the interview.

2. Have your own questions about the job/company to show your interest and that you are serious.

3. First impression is everything: dress to impress.

4. Be careful and aware of your own mannerisms.

5. "Tell me about yourself" should be a brief overview on everything on your resumé.

May 24: http://www.prssa.org/

1. They have a PRSSA Leadership rally as well as several other events.

2. They offer a variety of scholarships.

3. The have an online forum to upload your resumé, search for internships or jobs.

4. They are also on several social networking sites so you can follow them on those and keep better tabs on what they are doing.

5. “Chapters” help you to network with a wide variety of people in the field of public relations.

May 31: http://web.byui.edu/gradplan

1. The grad planner has your Major and Minor requirements.

2. You get to set your own pace and find extra classes you might want to add.

3. It tells you if a certain class has a pre-req you still need to take.

4. It's easy to tell if you are fulfilling your major/minor requirements because when they are all planned it no longer brings up those classes as credits you still need.

5. You submit your plan for approval to know that you are on the right track.

June 7: http://www.aaf.org/

1. They have student advertising competitions.

2. They have internship opportunities.

3. They also have merit scholarships.

4. Every 5-10 days, AAF sends out a government report on advertising via email.

5. There is a BYU-Idaho AAF chapter.

June 14: www.timeanddate.com
1. This website offers may calendars and countdowns including, date calendars, sun and moon calendars, countdowns, planning tools, time zones, etc.

2. On this website, it is really easy to convert between time zones. This would be useful if you were traveling and needed to plan your schedule in a new time zone. It also lets you know which time zones are using daylight savings.

3. You can use these clocks, calendars, countdowns, etc. on your own webpage.

4. They have apps for most smart phone/tablet devices.

5. You can also find the sunrise and sunset times on this website.

June 21: www.office.microsoft.com

1. They offer free templates to help create a resume, presentation, letter, brochures, labels, reports, etc.

2. They offer learning resources and have how-to videos and make it easy for users.

3. They have a free wedding planner app and several other FREE apps as well.

4. They have free trail downloads of their products.

5. They have all sorts of tools to help with presentations.

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